Tapswap Airdrope:
TapSwap Airdrop Listing and Price Prediction
To predict the price we should know two things:
1: The total supply
2: And markect cap at launch time
According to official news channel of TapSwap,
The total supply is 18 billion tokens.
As regards its market cap we need to make certain assumptions: for instance if it happens that tap swap is launched on five top exchanges (Which is very possible due to its large community base as well as popularity within market), then there would be a market
Now, let’s talk about when it will be listed.
The team had mentioned that they are targeting a start of July 2024 for the listing date.
However, in the yesterday’s AMA session with the TON blockchain, they said that they have no enough money and will delay it until the next update.
Instead of being disappointed by this news, consider it as an opportunity to get ready and accrue as many tokens as you can via mining.
The most important thing is to keep yourself updated with official announcements from the TapSwap team so you are aware of exactly when and if any changes take place.
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Points to Tokens Conversion Ratio:
We can assume that its conversion ratio is 1,000:1 since they shared their total supply on their official channel which was 18 billion Notcoins where 1,000 points were converted into one token.
Estimating My Earnings from the TapSwap Airdrop
Here’s what I’ve got based upon the above forecast and estimation: I have earned a total of two hundred million (200m) TapSwap points up till now.
If it is at a ratio of points to tokens as 1000 : 1 then I am going to receive two hundred thousand (200k) tokens.
Now —
If listing price will be $0.03 per token — then 200,000 × $0.03 = $6,000.
If listing price will be $0.06 per token — then 200,000 × $0.06 = $12,000.
Compute your own in comments section below.