IMF Reports Progress in El Salvador Talks, Flags Bitcoin Risks


This filing came in the wake of a statement from the IMF that it saw "good progress" during its virtual meetings with high-level El Salvadorian officials over an ongoing $1.3 billion aid operation but has concerns about risks related to cryptocurrency investing and hurdles facing ties between countries based on useful relationships, although no specifics were provided concerning these emerging issues or how they could be addressed by either party involved today.

In the world of cryptocurrency, it is indeed a milestone for El Salvador to declare declaring Bitcoin as legal tender. El Salvador has received praise and criticism from many parts of the world as the first nation to formally adopt Bitcoin. However, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has said that talks with El Salvador are going well and they have pointed out a range of dangers in Bitcoin(transactional risks). In this article, we will focus on the report in order to discuss transparency issues and whether India is prepared for a fund-supported programme; improving primary balance and possible policy supports.

Bitcoin Adoption in El Salvador:

The Bitcoin Law was passed by the Legislative Assembly of El Salvador in June 2021, bringing into effect a bill that made bitcoin legal tender alongside US dollars. What led to this historic decision was a combination of several reasons,

The government of El Salvador wanted to provide financial services to people who do not have access so called unbanked.

Remittances: There was an idea that processing remittance transactions would cost less if it were done using Bitcoin.

Economic Growth: Adopting of Bitcoin by the government was expected to attract foreign investment and foster economic growth.

President Nayib Bukele has been a strong proponent of Bitcoin as a means to revolutionize the economy. Yet, this move was anything except unanimous with many international organisations (such as the IMF) voicing their concerns about possible dangers.

What does the International Monetary Fund (IMF) have to do with El Salvador?

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an international financial institution, headquartered in Washington, D. C., consisting of 189 countries working toward global monetary cooperation with the secure financial stability; facilitate international trade promotes high employment and sustainable economic growth; and reduce poverty around the world. Now, with El Salvador’s entry into the world of Bitcoin, they IMF has been more engaged in monitoring and advising on economic policy for that country.

The Latest IMF-El Salvador Talks:

IMF updated it´s report recently and noted several points of progress, while also highlighting some concerns.

7. Transparency: Finally, the last issue discussed in the article is the necessity of enhancing transparency in Bitcoin transactions and reserves. It is relevant for the Salvadorian case. However, it is believed that only with the REALID blockchain architecture signature schemes can be realized. Is El Salvador Concerned with the Transparency of Bitcoin? Transparency is crucial for establishing trust and ensuring a more effective financial system. Therefore, El Salvador should be more concerned with the transparency of its Bitcoin transactions. Current Concern for Transparency El Salvador already demonstrates several signs of concern.

 Chivo Wallet – the national digital wallet that allows people to use Bitcoin as their currency;


Public reporting – El Salvador regularly provides updates regarding all Bitcoin transactions and reserves. The Concerns of the IMF, if Any The IMF is also more concerned with the transparency of the Bitcoin problem and other factors regarding the Salvadorian use of the technology.


The IMF recommended El Salvador to form more detailed reporting, including the reporting of volume and value of Bitcoin transactions;

 The organization wanted the country to develop a legislative source to regulate all Bitcoin aspects. Transparency is a powerful tool against risks, crimes and creates a stable economic environment. 8. Does El Salvador Have More Capacity for a Fund-Supported Program? A fund-supported program is any financial assistance provided to a country that is conditioned by the fulfilment of specific economic conditions determined by the organization. Therefore the capacity of El Salvador to benefit from such a program depends on numerous factors.

IMF Criteria for a Fund-Supported Program

The IMF evaluation is based on the following criteria:


Fiscal discipline and ability to maintain public money in order;

 Institutional capacity and the quality of governance;

 Economic resilience and general economic health of the country. Assessing El Salvador’s Current Situation Overall, there are numerous obstacles for the country.

IMF Assessment of El Salvador E’ Readiness However, the organization is planning to take a risk and allow experimenting.

Primary Balance For El Salvador?

A sharp fall in the primary balance (the fiscal deficit minus interest payments) is a key risk to long-term fiscal sustainability

What is a Primary Balance, and Why It Matters?

The primary balance is a critical measure of the national fiscal health. A primary balance that is positive means the governments does not need to borrow money in order to pay its bills.

El Salvador’s Primary Balance At A Glance

El Salvador has run large fiscal deficits and had high public debt; so it is hard to reach a positive primary balance.

Enhancement strategies & Recommendations by IMF

Ma suggests several IMF intervention strategies:

Revenue collection: Improving tax-collection mechanisms.

Public Spending: To ensure that public expenditure is managed, minimizing and targeting it in a tuition way

Economic reform: Carrying out structural reforms to grow the economy


The IMF Is Ready to Offer Technical Assistance on a Number of Policy Topics Not Necessarily Directly Related with El Salvador´s Monetary Framework, Including:


Here are several potential policy measures:

Financial Management: Enhancing budget planning and execution.

Oversight of the Financial Sector: Since then weaving a fabric of regulation and supervision over the financial sector.

Economic Diversification: This means promoting and sustaining diversifications of the economy to lessen depending on particular sectors.

Bitcoin & Crypto-specific Policies:

If the IMF were to weigh in on Bitcoin, they may suggest:

Thick layers of regulations: What bitcoin transactions can be used and not.

Transparency: To ensure total transparency in all bitcoin transactions.

Risk Management: Measures to safeguard the institution against financial risks of bitcoins.

General Economic and Fiscal Measures

More global policies might be:

Develop infrastructure: Empowering an economy by investing in its underpinnings;

Education and Health — Increase access to education and healthcare services.

Social programs: Bolster social safety nets to protect at-risk populations.

The Economic Impact of Bitcoin in El Salvador

Bitcoin Impact On Economy Of El Salvador

Economic Impacts in the short run vs long-run can also be discussed.

In the short term, this has garnered serious global interest and investment into Bitcoin adoption. Nevertheless, potential long-term effects are largely unknown.

Empirical Evidence and Cross-Country Analysis:

It is also instructive to take a look at how other countries have navigated cryptocurrency adoption versus El Salvador's Bitcoin experience.

Expert Commentary & Market Analysis:

Additional insights from experts and market data provide a greater perspective on the opportunities but also dangers of owning Bitcoin.

Implications for Society and Politics

Bitcoin has social and political implications of the highest order.

Impact on Public Opinion and Society.

The opinion of El Salvador is mixed. From those who embrace the innovation, to others that voice concerns over its risks.

Political Implications and Responses by Governments

The decision has boosted President Bukele’s image politically, but drawn fire from opposition parties and international observers.

The Role of International Diplomacy

How the world responds to El Salvador's experiment with Bitcoin could affect its foreign relations

System and Tech Challenges

Adapting a legal tender requires robust technological infrastructure, bitcoin is no exception.

IT Infrastructure in El Salvador

In El Salvador, where an estimated 70% of the population do not have access to smartphones or Internet, this is no easy task.

Problems With Bitcoin-Based Systems

Key challenges include:

Mobile and Internet Penetration — Making sure the whole population has a smartphone and internet access.

Every Bitcoin transaction needs to be validated by miners who encrypt the blockchain.

Training: Training the public on how to use Bitcoin and digital wallets.

Possible Resolutions and Further Improvements

Potential solutions include:

Infrastructure: Investing in technology infrastructure to facilitate the transfer of Bitcoin.

Public Awareness Campaigns — communicating the idea of Bitcoin and its use so that people can understand it properly.

Security: Enforce security and protect from the attackers.

Heytesbury Rebel • 15 hours ago I pray that there are global repercussions for Noele's crime.

This is expected to cause a whole international reaction, thus also such signals from El Salvador that it will adopt Bitcoin as the national currency.

Reponses of Other Countries and International Bodies A considerable number of countries and international bodies have released comments on El Salvador’s latest decision. The opinions vary between support and skepticism. Implications for the Global Financial Systems The decision of El Salvador to adopt Bitcoin can have grave consequences for the global financial system. More countries might consider adopting cryptocurrency. Potential for Other Countries The actions of El Salvador can serve as an example for other countries. Achievements of the state will encourage similar actions. Risks and Concerns Mentioned in the Report The International Monetary Fund mentioned several risks. A detailed rundown of the mentioned risks Volatility – “a wide Bitcoin valuation fluctuation can become a significant threat to financial stability”. Illicit activities – “bitcoin can be easily employed for various kinds of illicit use.”. Financial integrity – “the decentralized nature of Bitcoin undermines the integrity of the financial system.”. Potential Consequences These risks can cause substantial economic damages along with damage to the country’s financial reputation. Recommendation The report also mentions several suggestions: regulation, transparency, financial literacy. Future Prospects Based on these risks, the organization also offers a couple of future scenarios. Possible Future Scenarios Predictions Additionally, the paper mentions many predictions ranging from critical to optimistic. Long-term Vision.

El Salvador must adapt boldly and with proper planning to ensure Bitcoin finds success in the long run.


In El Salvador, Bitcoin becoming legal tender is a bold and unprecedented development that has become the talk of the town lately. The World Bank is again one of the major institutions in play proving its dynamics and possible danger for taking this choice due to intervention from The IMF as well, with what looks like pretty difficult recommendations. Above all, in exploring this new terrain the demand for transparency robust policies and strategic planning will be paramount to El Salvador. 

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